Backup Operations

DRLM backup operations allow us to remotely create new backups of clients, enable and disable restore points and make listings of backups created among other things.

Run Backup

This command is used to Run remote client backup from DRLM. It is called like this:

$ drlm runbackup [options]

The drlm runbackup has several options:

-c client_name, --client client_name

Select Client to remotely run backup by name.


$ drlm runbackup -c clientHost1
$ drlm runbackup --client clientHost1
-I client_id, --id client_id

Select Client to remotely run backup by ID.


$ drlm runbackup -I 12
$ drlm runbackup -id 12
-h, --help

Show drlm runbackup help.


$drlm runbackup -h
$drlm runbackup --help

Delete Backup

This command is used to delete backups from DRLM database. It is called like this:

$ drlm delbackup [options]

The drlm delbackup has some requiered options:

-c client_name, --client client_name

Select Client to delete the backup.

-I backup_id, --id backup_id

Select Backup to delete by ID.

-A, --all

Delete All backup.


$ drlm delbackup -c clientHost1 -I 2015030121245
$ drlm delbackup --client clientHost1 --id 2015030121245
$ drlm delbackup -c clientHost1 -A
$ drlm delbackup --client clientHost1 --all

Optional options:

-h, --help

Show drlm delbackup help.


$ drlm delbackup -h
$ drlm delbackup --help

Backup Manager

This command is used to enable or disable clients restore points. Is also used to put a restore point by default. It is called like this:

$ drlm bkpmgr [options]

The drlm bkpmgr has some requiered options:

-c client_name, --client client_name

Select Client name to modify backup

-I backup_id, --id backup_id

Select Backup ID to modify

-e, --enable

Enable Backup

-d, --disable

Disable Backup


$drlm bkmgr -c clientHost1 -I 20140519065512 -e
$drlm bkmgr --client clientHost1 -I 20140519065512 -d
$drlm bkmgr -c clientHost1 --id 20140519065512 -e

Aditional options:


Set backup to persistent mode. The persistent mode is used to indicate what backup will be activated by default in case of service restarting. A backup stops to be in persistent mode and it is replaced when creating a new one backup for the same client.


$drlm bkmgr -c clientHost1 - I 20140519065512 -e -P
-h, --help

Show drlm bkmgr help.


$ drlm bkmgr -h
$ drlm bkmgr --help

List Backups

This command is used to list the backups that we have stored on the server. It is called like this:

$ drlm listbackup [options]

The drlm listbackup has some options:

-c client_name, --client client_name

Select Client to list its backups.


$ drlm listbackup -c clientHost1
$ drlm listbackup --client clientHost1
-A, --all

List all backups


$ drlm listbackup -A
$ drlm listbackup --all

Show this help


$ drlm listbackup -h
$ drlm listbackup --help